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Test: Verbs and Prepositions

Created on By gabyq

Verbs and Prepositions

Choose the correct preposition:

1 / 12

I will apply _____ that job.

2 / 12

How do you feel ____ this?

3 / 12

He accused me ___ lying.

4 / 12

She is married ____ a rich guy.

5 / 12

I trust ___ my skills.

6 / 12

My mother does not approve ____ my boyfriend.

7 / 12

It depends ____ you.

8 / 12

I believe ___ you.

9 / 12

You should apologize ____ her.

10 / 12

I apologize ____ my answer.

11 / 12

I am looking forward ____ hearing from you soon.

12 / 12

I suffer ____ allergies.

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