A profile you create on a social media platform.
A set of rules that determines what content you see in your feed..
The people who see your content on social media.
Information you share on social media, like posts, pictures, or videos.
Interaction with your content, such as likes, comments, and shares.
A stream of content from people or pages you follow.
Someone who subscribes to your account and sees your posts in their feed.
A word or phrase preceded by “#” to categorize content and make it discoverable.
A person with a large social media following who can promote products or services.
A way to express approval for a piece of content.
Referencing another user’s account with the “@” symbol.
A website or app used for online social interaction.
A public message you leave on someone’s post.
A private message sent directly between two users.
Responding directly to someone’s comment or message.
A short description about yourself on your profile.
Text accompanying an image or video post.
Broadcasting video content in real-time.
Short, disappearing video or photo content (e.g., Instagram Stories).
Data and insights about your social media performance.
Sensationalized headlines designed to attract clicks.
The number of times your content is displayed.
A popular topic or activity on social media.
A humorous image, video, or phrase that spreads rapidly online.
Unsolicited or unwanted messages.
Someone who posts inflammatory or offensive content to provoke others.