A set of step-by-step instructions used to solve a problem or perform a task.
A hypothetical type of AI that would have the same cognitive capabilities as a human being.
Large datasets that are difficult to process with traditional methods.
Computer programs that can simulate conversation with humans.
The delivery of computing services, such as servers, storage, databases, and networks, over the Internet.
Facts and information that can be collected and analyzed.
A type of machine learning that uses artificial neural networks to learn from large datasets.
A virtual representation of a physical object or process.
The study of the ethical implications of the development and use of AI.
A type of AI that can create new content, such as images, text, and music.
The working together of humans and AI systems to achieve a common goal.
The process of automatically extracting information from text or other data sources.
A software program that can assist a user with tasks such as scheduling appointments, making calls, and managing information.
A car that can navigate and operate without human intervention.
A type of machine learning in which the agent is provided with a labeled training dataset.
The use of technology to automate tasks that are normally performed by humans.
The process of extracting patterns and insights from textual data.
A software program that can simulate a conversation with a human user and assist with tasks.
The development and use of AI in a way that is ethical, fair, and accountable.
The ability of a computer to identify and locate objects in images or videos.
The process of partitioning an image into different regions.